Beat the Fatigue REPOST

10 Health Benefits of Oranges

10 Amazing Health Benefits of Oranges

Oranges… Whether in whole or juice form, the orange is among the most commonly consumed fruit in the world, and that’s a good thing because this brightly colored package of goodness is just bursting with health benefits.

NOTE: This article is not a substitute for sound medical advice. Please consult your Primary Medical Provider for all things health & wellness related.

NOTE: Despite their name, oranges are not always orange. Some varieties are green. That does not detract from their health benefits. The pulp and juice of the orange are not its only edible parts. The white membranes are likewise edible and beneficial, and so is orange zest.

1. Anti-Cancer: The vitamin C content of oranges is often touted for its anti-cancer potential, but vitamin C is not the only thing oranges have in their cancer-fighting arsenal; there are also the limonoids.

Limonoids are the bitter compounds that underlie the sour and sweet flavors of oranges. They are highly bioavailable, and research has shown that they are effective at triggering the death of human colon cancer cells. [1] They also show substantial action against human breast cancer cells in lab studies. [2]

2. Pain Killer: Hesperidin, a flavonoid found in orange juice and orange peel, [3] has been found to have significant analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. [4]

3. Anti-Hypertensive: Hesperidin has also been linked to a reduction in diastolic blood pressure after four weeks of orange juice consumption. [5]

4. Reduces Cholesterol: Daily consumption of at least 750 ml of orange juice has been shown to be effective in decreasing levels of low-density lipoproteins, or bad cholesterol, while increasing levels of high-density lipoproteins, or good cholesterol, resulting in an improved blood cholesterol profile. [6]

5. Protects Kidneys: The high citrate content of orange juice is linked with its ability to reduce the risk of kidney stone formation. In addition, a comparative study has found that orange juice is more effective than lemon juice in stimulating the excretion of urinary oxalates, making it a superior dietary addition for preventing kidney stones. [7]

6. Heart Health: A study has shown that men and women whose blood ascorbic acid concentration levels are in the top quintile have a significantly lower risk of death from ischemic heart disease and cardiovascular disease compared to those whose ascorbic acid levels are in the lowest quintile. [8] Oranges are well known to be excellent dietary sources of ascorbic acid.

7. Stroke Prevention: The abundance of vitamin C in oranges is also useful for lowering the risk of stroke, especially among men with high blood pressure and excessive weight. [9]

8. Arthritis Prevention: Low intake of vitamin C is associated with a threefold increase in the risk of developing inflammatory polyarthritis. [10] This risk can be reduced by eating oranges every day.

9. Optimal Fetal Development: Orange juice is an excellent source of folate, [11] which, when added to a pregnant woman’s diet, is known to decrease her child’s risk of developing neural tube defects. [12]

10. Helps Manage Diabetes: According to a study published by the New England Journal of Medicine, high fiber intake is beneficial for diabetics because it lowers blood lipid levels, reduces hyperinsulinemia, and improves control of blood sugar. [13] Oranges are rich sources of dietary fiber.

Take caution, however, as pesticide residues may remain on the skin. For recipes that call for orange zest, make sure you use oranges that were organically grown.

In closing, oranges are fantastic. They do so many things for health and wellness. I have pointed out just ten. Please read the references listed for more. In fitness, and in life, knowledge, application and desire will get you over.



















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SALT: Why it would be healthier for you to throw it over your shoulder

It’s been a while, but I’m back with a new one. Salt is a staple of good health and has been used since time began. Table salt, or sodium chloride (the actual name for it), is largely used as an industrial product. 90% of all salt made today is used in commercial facilities. True salt has trace elements of many minerals- our table salt does not. During the process of making the salt, the sodium chloride is heated to over 1200 degrees, treated with caustic soda and anti-caking agents to ensure free-flowing usage by consumers. Aluminum is also added. The high levels of aluminum puts people at greater risk for Alzheimer’s and other aliments. Though more expensive, true salt is the way to go. Even some of the pink Himalayan variety you find at the store is better than your generic white salt.